Minion Cupcakes

Minion Cupcakes the whole family will enjoy. ~Spindles Designs #minioncupcakes

I’ve always been a little behind the times. I don’t usually see movies at the theater and my clothes are a few seasons behind. I have no idea what’s on t.v. these days and I had no idea what a Minion was. I saw Minion Cupcakes on Pinterest and thought they were strange. My brothers talked about Despicable Me and Despicable Me 2 and they meant nothing to me and I didn’t even know Minions and the movies were related. 
Well…my husband rented movies one night and since we have 3 little ones at home we watch a lot of kids movies. He brought home Smurfs and Despicable Me 2. So we sat down to watch after a small fight of what are we going to watch first.  Despicable Me 2 won, somehow throw 3 and 5 year old logic and compromises. I loved it. All of sudden those weird Minion Cupcakes on Pinterest were so cute.


Minion Cupcakes - create your own army on minions ~ Spindles Designs #minioncupcakes
The kids and I liked them so much we decided to make them for my husbands birthday. He thought they were great. 
My kids loved helping my make daddy’s birthday cake. They are so easy I felt almost bad that I didn’t spend more time on my Hubby’s cake.
All you need is:
 Frosted Cupcakes
Twinkies or Cloud Cakes
Black Frosting
Small decorating tip
Decorating Frosting Bag or baggie
Wilton Eyes or Smarties
Cut the Twinkies in have and decorated like your favorite Minion. While you let the Minion frosting set frost your cupcakes. Place Minions on cupcakes before frosting sets.

Minion Cupcakes by Spindles Designs #minioncupcakes

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