Apricot Almond Pastry

Yeast breads are the best. After you master making a basic yeast dough recipe there are endless  possibilities. “Apricot Almond Pastry” is one of those wonderful possibilities.

8-10 cups flour, divided
2 tbsp instant yeast
1/3 cup sugar
4 tsp salt
¾ cup powdered milk
2 ½ cups hot water
½ cup oil
4 eggs, slightly beaten
2 tsp cardamon
Jar of Apricot preserves
1 5.29 oz (150g) package Marzipan
Put dough hook on mixer.  In large mixing bowl, mix together 4 cups flour, yeast,(SAF yeast), sugar, salt and powdered milk.  Pour in hot water and begin to mix.  Pour in eggs and oil.  Continue to mix until the batter is smooth.  Slowly add the remaining flour while mixing.  Be careful not to add to much.  The dough should leave the sides of the bowl and be soft to touch.  When dough has reached the desired consistency, let mixer knead the dough on low speed for about 4 minutes.  Let rise until double in bulk. Divide the dough into 3 equal pieces. 
Note: This is a variation of my basic roll recipe. It make 3 dozen rolls or cinnamon rolls. I only make one third of the dough into the “Apricot Almond Pastry” because they are quit rich. The rest of the dough I make into cinnamon rolls.
Roll out the one third dough piece into a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick. Let rest while you roll, between 2 pieces of wax paper, the Marzipan into a rectangle 2/3 lengthwise as your dough. Carefully place the Marzipan over 2/3 of the dough. (lengthwise) Spread desired amount of apricot preserves over the Marzipan. I used about 1/2 the jar. Fold the third that has no Marzipan or preserves over the center third, then fold the remaining third over and seal the edge. 
Slice into 12 pieces.  On a grease baking sheet lay one slice flat and stack a second so it covers about half of the slice underneath. Repeat with a third slice. You can stack as many as desired or even make it into a ring. 

Bake at 400 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. Glaze with your favorite frosting recipe.  Pull apart or slice to eat.

Enjoy!!! YUM!
Mary Ellen

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