Easy Camping Food

We had been planning our trip to the Oregon Coast for over a year.  We were planning what to do, how long to stay, and of course what to eat.  We were going to explore the coast and do some camping along the way. We did not want to spend a lot of time cooking while we were there.  So, after doing a lot of reading to get ideas, we decided to do a type of foil dinner.  Rather than doing individual foil packets for each of us we used foil pans to make a meal for everyone and would dish it out on plates.  It would be precooked and frozen and therefore only need to be reheated.

We chose to eat:

Cheesy Potatoes: 

3 medium potatoes, cubed
1/4 cup olive oil
Seasoning salt to taste (I never measure this I just put it on till it looks good)
1 cup grated cheese

1.  Blanch cubed potatoes by putting them in boiling water for 5 minutes.  Immediately rinse them in cold water, dry them with a clean kitchen towel, and place in a mixing bowl.  This helps them not turn a funny color or cook funny after being in the freezer.
2.  Pour the 1/4 cup olive oil over the potatoes, toss to coat.  At this point put on the seasoning salt, toss to coat.
3.  I put 1/2 the potatoes in my foil pan put on 1/2 the cheese then layered the rest of the potatoes and put the last of the cheese on top.  Cover with foil and put in the freezer.
4.  To cook:  Thaw for about 12 hours in “fridge” cooler.  We used about 12 coals, put the foil pan directly on them and I turned it over every 10 minutes or so.  Cooking time, depending on how hot you want them, is 30 to 40 minutes.

Steamed Veggies:

1-2 cups chopped carrots
1-2 cups chopped broccoli
1-2 cups chopped cauliflower

1.  Put about an inch of water into a saucepan with a lid bring to boil.
2.  Cook carrots about 4 mins.  Add cauliflower cook about 3 min.  Add broccoli cook about 2-3 minutes until not quite tender, as they will cook a little more when reheating.
3.  Put into foil pan, cover with foil and put in freezer.
4.  To cook:  Thaw for about 12 hours in “fridge” cooler.  We used about 12 coals, put the foil pan directly on them and I turned it over every 10 minutes or so.  Cooking time, depending on how hot you want them, is 20 to 30 minutes.

Chicken and Rice:

1 cup rice
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 or 2 chicken breasts, cooked and diced (depending on size)

1.  Cook rice according to package directions.  Place in foil pan.
2.  Heat soup so and dilute if desired, we do not.  Place cooked chicken on top of rice and then pour soup over the chicken.  Cover with foil and freeze.
3.  To cook:  Thaw for about 12 hours in “fridge” cooler.  We used about 12 coals, put the foil pan directly on them and I turned it over every 10 minutes or so.  Cooking time, depending on how hot you want it, is 30 to 40 minutes.

Pasta in Veggie Meat Sauce:  You can find this recipe here.

1.  After it is finished put in foil pan, cover with foil and put in freezer.
2. To cook:  Thaw for about 12 hours in “fridge” cooler.  We used about 12 coals, put the foil pan directly on them and I turned it over every 10 minutes or so.  Cooking time, depending on how hot you want it, is 30 to 40 minutes.

Breakfast Casserole:

1 bag 30 oz frozen hash browns
12 eggs
1 cup milk
1 tbls ground mustard
1 24 oz package of sausage
salt and pepper
16 oz shredded cheddar cheese
1.  Pour hashbrowns into large mixing bowl.
2.  Cook the sausage on high heat, drain and set aside.
3.  In separate mixing bowl, crack 12 eggs mix well using a whisk.  Add the milk, ground mustard, and salt and pepper to taste.  Mix well and set aside.
4.  Add sausage and cheese on top of hash browns.  Toss together.
5.  Spray 9×13 pan and put in hashbrown mixture.
6.  Pour the egg mixture over everything.  Use a wooden spoon to even everything out if needed.
7.  Bake 350, 35 – 40 minutes.
8.  Let cool then cut and separate into foil pans.  Cover with foil and freeze.
9.  To cook:  Thaw for about 12 hours in “fridge” cooler.  We used about 12 coals, put the foil pan directly on them and I turned it over every 10 minutes or so.  Cooking time, depending on how hot you want it, is 20 to 30 minutes.
Cooking these before hand did take most of a day of preparation, but it was totally worth it.  We used dry ice for part of the time to keep it very frozen, but then used it as ice in a different cooler, “fridge” cooler, to let it thaw.  We put the foil pan directly onto coals and turned it about every 10 minutes until it was warmed through.  Sometimes this was 20 minutes others closer to 40.  It would depend on how frozen it was, how full the pan was, and how many actual coals were used.

We were able to enjoy home cooked meals without a lot of prep work, which was really nice after our 2 1/2 hour bike ride.

Mary Catherine

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