Clipboard Stocking Stuffer

My Grandchildren love to write on things, not always paper.  While shopping in Staples a couple of months ago, I came across their clearance bin and found these 6″ X 9″ plastic clipboards.  They came 2 to a package and were marked $.50.  The creative wheels started racing,
 “What can I do with these?” 
 I thought something for the grand kids and
 bought 2 packages. 
Then I thought they’ll need paper to write on.  
I looked around for inexpensive pads
 of paper that would fit the clipboard. 
Of course I would find paper this was Staples.  I found boarded  5″ X 7″ pads for $1.00 each.

I took them home found some fun scrapbook paper in my stash and this is what I came up with.   

During Fred Meyer’s before school sale I found  24 pack of crayons for $.47 a box.
Now they have something to write with.
I love bargains and making fun things for Christmas.
This will be a great gift for their stockings at my house.

Check the clearance section where ever you shop you just don’t know what you might find. 

Mary Ellen
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