Hamburger Gravy

Hamburger Gravy ~ quick and easy dinner from #hamburgergravy
Do you ever start browning hamburger with no plan? On crazy days I’ll grab hamburger from the freezer and start browning it in hopes inspiration strikes before I crispy-critter the hamburger and have to start all over.

Hamburger Gravy is another fast easy dinner for your busy days. My husband likes because it’s still meat and potatoes. The kids like it because – I have no idea but I’m going to complain.

1 lb. ground beef
2-3 Tablespoons flour
2 cups beef broth ( I use bouillon cubes)
2 tablespoons ketchup
 2 teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce
salt and pepper to taste

Brown hamburger, drain. Add flour. Stir until hamburger is lightly coated. Add beef broth, ketchup, and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to boil. Simmer while you set the table and then serve.

We like hamburger gravy over potatoes or rice.

Other easy hamburger recipes:

Easy Tacos

Porcupine Meatballs

Shepherd’s Pie

Spaghetti ~Easier than Opening a Jar
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8 thoughts on “Hamburger Gravy

  1. Your first sentence made me smile- I brown hamburger or cook chicken on a regular basis trying to come up with a plan for dinner while it’s cooking! My mom used to make a gravy over hamburger patties, but I had forgotten about it until I saw your post. Thanks for the reminder!

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