The Best of 2014 at Spindles Designs

The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014
The Best of 2014
2014 zoomed by faster than we hoped. We didn’t get half the things done that we wanted
and yet the blog still did better than we expected.
Thank you for following our crazy adventures. 
Here is our top 10.
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #meatloaf
10. Kathleen’s Meat Loaf
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #grilledlemonmarinatedsteak
9. Grilled Lemon Marinated Steak
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #lemonsquares
8. Lemon Squares
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #pineapplecrumble
7. Pineapple Crumble
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #hamburgergravy
6. Hamburger Gravy
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #frozenbirthdaycake
5. Frozen Birthday Cake
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #fettuccinealfredowithsausage
4. Fettuccine Alfredo with Sausage
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #dustycrophoppercake
3. Dusty Crophopper Cake
The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #raspberrysherbet
2. Raspberry Banana Pineapple Sherbet

The best of 2014 at Spindles Designs #thebestof2014 #cocnutcreampie
1. Coconut Cream Pie

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