Vanilla Cupcakes

I was in one of those use up the ingredients in the refrigerator moods and found sour cream. I thought cupcakes sounded good so I went to my “White Cupcakes” recipe and found out I had remembered wrong, it called for buttermilk. I had my mind set on cupcakes so this recipe for Vanilla Cupcakes is the result.

Easy Vanilla Cupcakes at


Vanilla Cupcakes

3 1/3 cup flour

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

2 tsp vanilla

2 cups sugar

1 cup butter

4 eggs

1 cup sour cream

Line 24 muffin cups with cupcake papers. Set aside. In a large sauce pan over medium heat melt butter.  Remove from heat.  Add the sugar, sour cream, eggs and vanilla. Whisk until smooth.  Sift the dry ingredients together and add all at once into mixture whisking until smooth.  Fill prepare cupcake paper 2/3 full. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. Cool on rack and frost with butter cream frosting. I think sprinkles make them a little more festive.

Easy Vanilla Cupcakes at

I love easy stir together recipes.  They freeze great for lunches or snacks.

Mary Ellen

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One thought on “Vanilla Cupcakes

  1. I’m one of those weird people that love white and vanilla cake over chocolate. Pinning and will be baking these! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

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