My kids get tired of me sitting at the computer and sewing machine so we had a craft day. I bought a bag of pipe cleaners a few months ago for a project that never happened. The kids have been asking what they were for weeks so I decided it was time to introduce them to the fun of pipe cleaners. They really weren’t interested until I suggested we make bugs. They helped my gather supplies and this is what we came up with:
craft sticks
little pom poms
googly eyes
wire cutters (save your scissors)
glue gun and glue
For the caterpillars cut 1 pipe cleaner into 4 equal pieces. Wrap them around another pipe cleaner. Bend and twist until they look like legs.
Glue on pom poms, eyes and craft stick.
For the butterfly and dragonfly twist 2 pipe cleaners together, bend in half and keep twisting. Leave enough untwisted to make antennas.
Bend and twist pipe cleaners until you have wings. Glue pom pom for a head and glue on eyes.
To help them fly glue on a craft stick.
Happy Crafting!