Another project for my family room. I’m so excited to put something else on my boring walls. It could also be for the 4th of July or you could make them any shape you want.
fabric – 4 or 5 colors
backing fabric
ribbon – cut 2- 4 inch pieces and 8- 10 inch pieces
Any shape pattern piece. I made mine on the computer.
- Choose your fabric.
- Cut fabric into 2 1/2 inch strips.
- Sew strips together.
- Cut shapes out of sewn strips.
- Pick the order shapes will hang. Shapes on the end need a way to hang on the wall. Take 4 inch ribbon piece, fold in half to make a loop, pin in desired spot on shape.
- Pin 10 inch connecting ribbons in place. Tip: pin ribbon tails away from edges so they don’t get caught in stitches.
- Cut shapes out of backing fabric and batting.
- Pin front and back shapes, with right sides together, and the batting on the back.
- Sew around shape with 1/4″ seam, leaving an opening to turn.
- Clip curves and corners.
- Turn and press. Tip: Use a knitting needle or crochet hook to turn points.
- Sew opening closed or you could use glue.
- Machine quilt as desired.
- Tie ribbons together connecting shapes.
- Hang on the wall and enjoy.
Happy Sewing!