Kitchen Remodel Part #1

Part #1

Almost 2 years ago, we started our most ambitious project yet, “OUR KITCHEN”.  We knew it was small when we moved into our house but it just kept shrinking.  We love to cook and bake and there was never enough room for both of us to cook plus our children wandering in and out for snacks and whatever. We had a great room of sorts that we truly lived in. TV watching, homework, chatting, even for a few years sewing took place in this small space.  When the kids all moved out it was time.

We decided that the space that bothered us the most would be the first transformation to take place.
It was  half a hexagon, sort of, two level with the sink in the center. On one side of the sink was a 30″ counter that was above the dishwasher and an 18″ counter on the other side. The top level was barely wide enough for a dinner plate and had turned into a collection spot.  So out it came.
Demolition was very messy but very rewarding.
As part of this island make over, something had to be done about the lighting as well.  The new island was going to be bigger and an entirely different shape.  We spent hours on line and looking stores to find the perfect lights.
Down came the pendant lights and a couple of cans to make room for 2 three light chandeliers.  Thank goodness for great dry wall contractors.
I should add that this kitchen project was many months of designing, drawing, planning and saving before starting.  We had wish lists and reality lists and somewhere in between, somehow we got most of them.
Part of the project was to reuse as much as possible to save money, but there were not enough cabinets for the entire project.  We went to John’s favorite store, “Home Depot” and purchased ready made white cabinet components in the sizes that would give us the desired dimensions.  John built walls at each end and through the middle for stability making sure every cabinet was level.  At three corners he built in a decorative post painted with glossy black.
We found a great fire clay farmhouse sink online and had to reconstruct the cabinet a little to accommodate its size. We topped it off with a touch faucet and matching soap dispenser.
Our hardest choice was the counter top.  We had research and weight our options and decided that Granite was the best choice.  There were many other great surfaces but found that the pros for Granite out shined the pros of the others. We had decided that we wanted black and found a beautiful piece again through our friends at Home Depot.  Much to our surprise and delight they were able to install it in one piece without any seams.
We wanted a microwave drawer and made space for it but it would have to wait for a while.
By taking out the old island that divided the space in half we doubled the size of the room and tripled and more the work space.  The island measures about 5′ X 9′.  The cabinet to the right of the sink pulls out double garbage cans, one for garbage and one for recycling.
With the exception of the drywall contractor we did all the work our selves.  This was a hard project and took about 3 months to accomplish but it is so worth it.  I love my new island.
Mary Ellen
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12 thoughts on “Kitchen Remodel Part #1

  1. Kitchen remodels are the worst but totally worth it when you end up with a beautiful kitchen like yours. This is gorgeous and I’m in love. BTW: I found you via Teaspoon of Life’s Liebster Award. Congratulations!

  2. Hii,

    Such a helpful post! I don’t yet have my own place but once I do I know planning my own kitchen is going to be a top priority and I’m going to bookmark this post for then!

    Thank for sharing with us such an informative post…

    Alex Edmun
    Alex Edmun recently posted…Hello world!My Profile

  3. Thanks a lot for sharing such kind of information. I really like the before and after transformation. This was a good one change actually for kitchen remodel ma and renovation your space. You guys did a god job here.Keep posting!

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