Fry Sauce

A while ago we asked the question on our Facebook page 
” What do you like with you fries, Ketchup, Fry Sauce or Ranch?  “
More than one comment was, “what is fry sauce?

We were raised in Utah and thought that everyone ate Fry Sauce. I seemed to always know what the ingredients were and would just stir it together at home.  I went on line to see if there were recipes that could help me with proportions. 

You would not believe some of the ingredients that others put in my beloved fry sauce. 

Pickle juice?

The true official recipe is the secret of Arctic Circle. They get the credit for creating it. The ingredients in our version are simply mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard.  We just started adding the ingredients until Margaret and I thought it tasted right.

1 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup ketchup
2 tsp yellow mustard
Stir together until well blended. Serve with your favorite whatever.

It is great with chicken nuggets too.

If you have never tasted it, give it a try.

Mary Ellen

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12 thoughts on “Fry Sauce

  1. I LOVE fry sauce, although the version I used to make (had to give it up once I developed an allergy to eggs) just contained mayo and ketchup. PINed and Tweeted it. 🙂

  2. There was a burger estaurant in college that I loved that had a secret sauce that was basically fry sauce. It was so good! I was so bummed when I went out of business. I think theirs did have pickle juice in it. Either way, yours looks delicious and I haven’t had it in years. Looking forward to trying it again! Thanks for sharing with us at Foodie Fridays!

  3. I saw your post and had to come and see where you are from. Not many people know what fry sauce is. I live in Idaho, so I definitely know. It is practically a staple here. Looks great! Thanks for sharing your fabulous recipe with us this week at Foodie Fridays. Hope to see you again this week. I’m sure you’ll be cooking up something delicious!

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