Snicker Cookie Bars

I enjoy Snicker bars. Halloween is the only time of year that I buy enough candy to make this recipe. These Snicker cookie bars are kind of like short bread and not supper sweet.
Snickers Cookie Bars at


3 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
1 bag fun sized Snicker bars, quartered

Cream together butter and brown sugar until light. Beat in eggs. Sift together dry ingredients and add just until blended. Stir in Snicker piece. Spread and press dough into a parchment paper lined 9″X 13″ baking dish. Be sure to leave extra paper up the side to remove when cool. Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes or until tooth pick comes out clean. Cool completely before removing from the pan. Cut into 32 pieces. Enjoy!

Snicker Cookie Bars at

We like to make them for our family Halloween party.

Mary Ellen

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10 thoughts on “Snicker Cookie Bars

  1. Serious yumminess here! Now I wish we had some of those Snickers left over from Halloween! I guess I will just have to buy some! Thanks for sharing it with us at Foodie Fridays! Pinning and sharing!

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