For I think, generations, a hot roll for Sunday dinner has always been on the menu. It is sill the case at our house. This Wheat Cloverleaf Rolls recipe isn’t much different from other rolls but it is a fun way to bake them.
Wheat Cloverleaf Rolls
1 tbsp SAF instant yeast
1/3 cup instant dried milk
1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup canola oil
1 1/2 tsp salt
1 cup hot water
2 large eggs
2 cups wheat flour
2 – 2 1/2 cups white flour
In mixer bowl using dough hook, stir together wheat flour, yeast, salt, sugar and dried milk. Turn on kitchen faucet and get water as hot as possible. Fill a 2 cup measuring cup to the 1 cup line, add oil and eggs. Stir vigorously with a fork and pour into flour mixture while dough hook is in motion. Mix at low speed until well blended, scraping sides if necessary. Slowly add white flour until it forms a soft dough. Knead in mixer until surface is smooth, 3-5 minutes. Cover with kitchen towel and let rise until double.
When dough has doubled pour out onto lightly floured board. Knead, cut in half. Cut each half in to twelve equal pieces. Cut each into 3 small pieces. (72 pieces) HINT: I work only 1 half at a time. Take each small piece and roll them into a ball, they should be about and inch in size. Place 3 in the bottom of a greased muffin tin. Makes 2 dozen.
Cover with towel and let rise until double in bulk.
Bake at 400 degrees for 9-10 minutes. Brush with melted butter and remove from the pan. Serve hot with your favorite jam or jelly.
We loved them I hope you do too.